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Penny Engstrom

Different therapists have different approaches and areas of focus, so it's important to find the right person who can achieve the best results for you. We have found that we are able to provide a successful match most of the time; however, if you start the process and you feel your therapist isn't a good fit for you, you can choose to be matched to a different therapist as available.


About Penny Engstrom, MSW, LCSW
Independent Contractor

Penny is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Missouri with a Master's in Social work.  She brings over 20 years of experience trouble shooting and problem solving on teams in business settings.  She has over 10 years of experience working with adults, older adults and their families to provide support in various settings. Work in community, health care, and acute psychiatric care settings have provided Penny with a broad perspective on the issues of aging and supporting aging parents, coping with chronic illness, bullying, life changes at all ages, depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, grief and loss.


Penny is warm and welcoming and makes clients feel comfortable right away.  Penny's approach is to meet each client where they are in their life journey and hold space with them. By listening and clarifying ideas, Penny helps clients create a new narrative to find balance. By building the therapeutic alliance together, Penny helps clients create connections, gain insight, and learn skills to cope with and better manage life’s stressors. Penny utilizes Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, Narrative Therapy and Expressive techniques and tailors her approach to the needs of the person and the issues at hand.  Penny is available for in-person and teletherapy services.

Helpful Information About Penny Engstrom

Hours of Operation


  • Tuesday

      10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • Wednesday

      10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • Thursday

      10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • Friday

      10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

*​Specializes in Mature Adults and Geriatric Counseling but is trained and works well with all of the above age groups.

*Telehealth is for only for Missouri residents and requires therapist approval.

Top 10 Specialties

Age Groups

Therapy Types

Contact Norcon

Norcon Family Counseling

20 Westwoods Dr.

Liberty, MO 64068

Phone: 816-781-2349

Fax: 816-792-8232

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