Therapy can be provided by telehelath, which is online therapy that is done virtually through technology and takes the place of in-person visits. Norcon Family Counseling uses a HIPAA approved program (similiar to facetime or skype) which allows the therapist and the client to visually see each other throughout the therapy session; phone sessions may also be appropriate for certain situations. Telehealth is only for Missouri residents and requires therapist approval..

Teletherapy is the online delivery of mental health therapy services via live video conferencing. Teletherapy sessions are very similar to traditional mental health sessions with one major exception. Instead of sitting in the same room, clients and therapists interact via live video conferencing. Online counseling has many benefits. It can provide a greater access to care and help those who are unable to use traditional in-person therapy due to physical disabilities, geographic location, or scheduling issues. Online mental health counseling also can have the added benefit of eliminating travel expenses and prevent the need to pay for child care. Online therapy also can provide more privacy to those who do not wish to be seen in a therapy office since treatment can be done from the privacy of a client's own home. Teletherapy also allows people to get mental health treatment at home without risking the spread of infection during epidemics and pandemics.