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Therapist(s) who offer addiction therapy
*If you are hoping for a specific therapist, please be sure to specify that therapist by name on the appointment request form.


Independent Contractor

Licensed Professional Counselor

Therapy Type Offered: Individual, Couples

Ages Work With: Ages 18+

Extra Training in​: CBT

Insurances*: Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, Humana, Tricare, United Health Care

*Most, but not all plans in these networks are accepted.


Founder & Independent Contractor

Licensed Clinical
Social Worker

Therapy Type Offered: Individual, Couples, Family

Ages Work With: Ages 15+

Extra Training In: EMDR, Master Addictions Counselor

Insurances*: Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, Humana, Medicare, United Health Care

*Most, but not all plans in these networks are accepted


Independent Contractor

Licensed Professional Counselor

Therapy Type Offered: Individual

Ages Work With: Ages 16+

Extra Training In: Military/Veterans

Insurances*: Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, United Health Care

*Most, but not all plans in these networks are accepted.


Independent Contractor

Licensed Professional Counselor

Therapy Type Offered: Individual

Ages Work With: Ages 13+

Extra Training In: EMDR, TF-CBT, CBT, Grief Specialist

Insurances*: Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, United Health Care

*Most, but not all plans in these networks are accepted.

Norcon Family Counseling

You've come this far, now take the next step!

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Substance Abuse Counseling

We offer outpatient substance abuse treatment and drug and alcohol counseling for those struggling with drug use or alcohol use, or for those who consider themselves drug addicts or alcoholics

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Addictions to Pornography

Therapy to help those addicted to pornography.  Porn addiction refers to becoming emotionally dependent on pornography to the point that it interferes with your daily life, relationships, and ability to function. Pornography and depression can be interrelated.

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Many clients benefit from attending an addictions group. If interested in group counseling please see our group counseling page.

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Addictions to Technology

Counseling to help overcome addictions to video games, addictions to social media, addictions to phones, internet addiction or addiction to other electronic devices.

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Addictions to Gambling

Counseling to help overcome gambling addiction which  is defined as persistent and recurring problematic gambling behavior that causes distress and impairs your overall livelihood.

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Addictions to


Counseling to help overcome food addictions or eating addictions which are defined as compulsive consumption of foods despite adverse consequences. 

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We use the principles of the 12-step program to help overcome whatever addictions you might be struggling with. Let us provide professional help to  help you overcome the hi-jacked brain and regain control over your life.

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Counseling by Type

Multi Generation Family Piled Up In Gard

Counseling by Age Group

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Counseling by Therapist

Popular Therapy

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Marriage Counseling

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Addictions Counseling

Near Kansas City in Liberty MO

Whether you are just realizing that you may have an addiction or you have considered yourself an addict for years, we have therapists that can help you learn the skills needed to be able to overcome the addiction that has been impeding your life.  Our addiction counselors will help you get to the underlying cause of your addiction and help teach you the skills that are necessary to succeed and overcome the addiction.  You can beat your addiction and we can help.

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Christian Counseling

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