Relationships can be difficult and challenging and sometimes you may feel as if all is lost. But there is HOPE. Whether you are struggling with trust issues, infidelity, intimacy, communication, or just wanting skills to improve your relationship, we can help. Our therapists can provide you skills to help improve communication, heal past wounds, and increase understanding. With a trained therapist helping to mediate your differences, you can find the happiness and satisfaction that you are searching for.
Premarital Counseling
Premarital counseling helps couples prepare for marriage. Premarital counseling can help ensure that you and your partner have a strong, healthy relationship — giving you a better chance for a stable and satisfying marriage and can also help you identify weaknesses that could become problems during marriage.
Couples counseling is another term for marriage counseling, but is used to refer to couples who are in a relationship but are not officially married. Like marriage counseling, relationship counseling helps couples recognize and resolve conflicts, improve communication skills and improve their relationships.
Marriage Counseling
Marriage therapy helps couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts, improve communication skills and improve their relationships. Through marriage counseling, you can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding and strengthening your relationship or going your separate ways.​
Advantages of Marriage and Couples Counseling

With divorce rates soaring and incidents of domestic violence wreaking havoc on society, the benefits of marriage and couples counseling could not be more needed. Too many people enter their unions with a Disney Princess type mentality of their happily ever after. What they come to realize is that life can be stressful, and if a couple does not handle that stress well together, it can end badly.
Perspective shifting in marriage counseling is a vital benefit. Skilled, evidence-based providers will attempt to shift a perspective from blame to a broader cooperative and co-created view. Patterns of dysfunctional reactivity in couples create ill feelings and block intimacy from occurring.
Behavior and the choice of how a couple interacts is a shift that can be very beneficial in couples counseling. Dysfunctional interaction can sometimes lead to violence and other potentially dangerous behavior. Counselors can help relationships improve by reducing the occurrence of these behaviors.
Another benefit of marriage counseling is in the area of emotional avoidance. Through a good counselor, marriages can improve by decreasing this avoidance. Couples who can effectively speak about what they’re feeling with each other allow intimacy to flourish.
Communication in relationships is critical. Without the proper ability to speak to each other, couples can develop poor habits in communication that create more conflict that further deteriorates the marriage bond. Counseling gives couples a framework for the “how” of communication.
Counseling in couples also allows focusing on a relationship’s strengths. Within every relationship, some things work well. Couples who can highlight what works well and focus on building other areas that are lacking, build true resilience.
What has been found is that most couples wait too long to seek counseling. So get started today!
This information was derived from an aritcle found at https://positivepsychology.com/benefits-of-counseling/