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Family Counseling

Family Therapy

Near Kansas City in Liberty MO

Family therapy is designed to help family members improve communication skills and resolve conflicts.  Family therapy can be useful in any family situation that causes stress, grief, anger or conflict.  It can help you and your family members understand one another better and learn coping skills to bring you closer together.   Generally, our therapists will do a few family therapy sessions to supplement the individual therapy of a child or an adult.  Family therapy is not couples counseling.  If you are looking for couples counseling, please look at that specialty for a list of therapists that do couples counseling. To ensure you are getting the best care, therapist have set the same age limit requirements that they would have in individual counseling 

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Support a Family Member with a Mental Illness

A family member with a mental illness can cause disruption to the entire family unit.  Family therapy can help family members learn how to understand and cope with mental illness and help provide a supportive healthy environment for the entire family. 

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Coping Skills

Coping skills are the mental, emotional, and behavioral tools that allow us to maintain focus and perspective when dealing with difficulties – and the strong feelings those difficulties create. As you develop healthy coping skills to deal with family members you will find you are triggered less and  grow more resilient.

Image by Jude Beck

Process Grief

Grief is the response to loss of someone or something to which a bond or affection was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, cultural, spiritual and philosophical aspects.

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Strengthen Family Members Relationships

Focusing on relationship therapy between family members helps to strengthen the family unit.  Relationship counseling can help recognize and resolve conflict and improve communication skills with friends, relatives or family members.

Business Office Meeting

Improve Communication

Developing good communication skills is critical for successful relationships, whether parent, child, spouse, or sibling relationship.  When we feel heard, we are less angry, stressed, and more open to resolving problems than when we feel misunderstood. Consistent and high-quality communication  is essential  to create happy families.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Divorce Counseling

Divorce therapy is given to people and family members to help them cope with any problems resulting from a divorce. Divorce counseling can help you adjust to the changes in your life,  find strength during difficult times and encourage  personal growth.

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Support a Family Member with an Addiction

A family member struggling with an addiction can cause disruption to the entire family unit.  Family counseling can help family members learn how to cope with, help and support a member with an addiction while providing healthy boundaries. 

Happy family



Conflict is inevitable among families.  Families who peacefully resolve conflict may grow closer as they learn from one another and work hard to take one another’s feelings into consideration. When family members clearly identify a problem, they can begin to work on it. However, when people don’t acknowledge the problem, or avoid discussing it altogether, a successful resolution becomes impossible.

Bright Living Room

And More

We have multiple therapists allowing us to serve a wide variety of needs. Call our office to see if we can help you with your specialized needs.

Family Counseling Advantages

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Families are unique units of emotions. Parents and children have their wellbeing interwoven.

They support each other when things are going well and struggle to support each other when conflicts inevitably arise. These precious units are the greatest incubator of positive psychology that exists in the world, according to Lea Waters, Ph.D., author of The Strength Switch.

When any family member struggles, the entire unit struggles. Proper communication leads to improvements in familial interactions. Building family resilience can be facilitated and nurtured in a counseling modality.

Emotions in families requiring counseling are often raw and deeply felt. Counseling sessions can assist families in processing ill feelings in an effort to create new pathways for family connection. Family counseling offers safe spaces for all family members to have their feelings heard and their needs met.

Increasing health care costs have given new glimpses into the efficiency of treatment for mental health (Fals-Stewart, 2005). In one analysis, family therapy was found to be a highly effective and efficient way to treat mental health difficulties.

Delivering counseling in a group setting is usually more cost-effective, and knowing that it also offers increased family cohesion makes it an empirically backed approach to treatment for many mental health struggles.

Increased empathy helps relationships in the family to flourish fully. Each family member’s ability to accept the emotional presentation of other family members allows for deeper understanding and connection. During the teen years, empathy does not always come easily. Stressing this in family counseling is helpful.

Reduced conflict and improved management of anger can be a benefit of family counseling. Family counseling is utilized in combating a wide range of psychological disruption. With guidance, families can effectively navigate diagnoses and receive evidence-based approaches toward one another in a safe environment.

Improvement in perceived familial support is an additional benefit of family counseling. Family members may believe that they are supporting each other from their perspectives, but when the messages are misperceived, dysfunction can arise. A supported environment where each party can speak specific and well-laid boundaries leads to deeper understanding and interconnection.

This information was derived from an aritcle found at

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Norcon Family Counseling

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