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No matter what life has thrown at you, our therapists are here to help.  Whether you are suffering from depression, anxiety, grief, anger,  a traumatic event, or another issue that is hindering your life, our therapists are qualified and are able to provide you with the help that you need.  If you are looking for couples or family counseling, please check out those specific specialties to ensure you get the therapist that is right for you. Start by selecting the appropriate age group of the individual who is in need of therapy.

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Taking care of your mental health is a healthy habit to get into.  Some studies show that 18% of the population has presented with some form of mental disorder or disruption (Harvey, 2015), and our therapists are here to help.  Start reaping the benefits of counseling today.

No matter the counseling technique used, the American Psychological Association (APA) has collected a list of a few of the benefits that come from counseling.

  1. Increased skills in interpersonal communication.

  2. Improved interpersonal relationships.

  3. Decreased depressive symptoms.

  4. Decreased anxiety symptoms.

  5. Reduction in pharmaceutical interventions.

  6. Improved quality of life.

  7. Clarity of behavioral contribution to wellbeing.

  8. Reduction of suicidal ideation.

  9. Improvement in emotional self regulation.

  10. Reduction in substance misuse.

This information was derived from an aritcle found at

Popular Therapy

Norcon Family Counseling

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